My garden is buzzing as pollinators enjoy July blooms…including some of my absolute favorite flowering perennials and shrubs.
Whether you prefer swaths of symmetrical grass blooms or a tangled cottage garden, July is a beautiful month. I’ve included a selection of perennials and flowering shrubs in my garden…and something a bit less expected…flowers for drying.
I love growing plants with seed heads or pods. They are lovely in the garden, can be left standing for winter interest and in some cases as food for overwintering birds. I cut, dry and enjoy my garden year-round by arranging them in containers. Some of the ones I grow are included in this guide.
This is my fourth guide that answers your most commonly asked question. “What’s blooming each month so I can plan a season-long blooming garden”? Remember, be sure to check light, height and other plant data before planting. If you have any questions or comments, call or drop me an email at Enjoy!
Echinacea purpurea 'PowWow Wild Berry’. A SHE SHED favorite because of its long lasting saturated color and branching habit that packs oodles of blooms per plant. Blackened center cones hold seeds eaten by birds in fall. - 2’x2’, full to part sun
Nepeta racemosa ‘Walker’s Low’ is an award winning variety of catmint. It is hardy, deer and rabbit resistant, and it will rebloom if spent blooms are removed. We prefer the Low over the Junior variety for its upright, tidy habit. - 2-3’x2-3’, full to part sun
Echinops ritro ‘Veitch’s Blue’ is one of my favorite perennials. Look at that bloom! Check out that color! They don’t dry well after they open, so either cut and dry them early or just enjoy them in the garden…simply stunning! - 3.5’x1.5’, full to part sun
Crocosmia ‘Lucifer’ is a beautiful flower for the cutting garden and it’s irresistible to hummingbirds. It’s a zone 6 plant that is the hardiest of the cultivars although we still site it in sheltered gardens. It is a vibrant warm red with a fascinating bloom structure. - 3-3.5’ x 1.5’, best in sun in a protected area
Speedwell. Also known as Veronica, this plant has been in my garden so long I forget the variety. Bees devour it like a cob of corn each July. The dessicated tops dry well. This plant is about 4.5’ tall! There are many heights and varieties in white, pink and purple. - sizes vary, blooms best with 6+ hours of sun
Eryngium yuccifolium. Commonly known as rattlesnake master, this herbaceous perennial gets an abundance of 1” diameter heads that resemble thistles. I love, love this plant dried in my house. - sun, 4-5’x2-3’
Eryngium bourgatii. Also known as Mediteranium sea holly, the silvery blue bracts and coneflower heads make this a vivid, distinctive garden plant. I’m planting two in my garden this year and plan to dry them for indoor use. - sun, 18-24”x15”
Allium ‘Mont Blanc’. Remember these white blooms from our What’s in Bloom - Early Summer guide in June? I left them standing in the garden to dry out in July - they look great and I still enjoy seeing them outside but will soon cut them down for indoor floral arrangements. - sun, 3-4'x1’
Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Wedding Gown’. This dwarf, lacecap hydrangea with double white blooms brightens shady areas of the garden. In this client’s garden, it’s placed in part sun. I have two placed in shade under the canopy of a pollarded willow…the one in more sun performs better than the one in heavy shade. This hydrangea can be used flexibly; it’s refined enough for a bridal bouquet and stunning in a cottage garden. - part sun/shade, 2.5x3-4’
Rugosa rose. I have a love-hate relationship with the rugosa rose hedge in my yard. I love their bright pink blooms and large red rosehips…and they remind me of my grandmother’s garden in Apple River, Nova Scotia. It’s a mature, rugged hedge that is easy to care for. I don’t mind pruning to keep it sized to my smaller yard, but it sends out annoying runners. My grandmother had the perfect place for them: full sun and room to spread out. I can still smell them. - sun to part shade, 4-8’x4-6
Hydrangea ‘Endless Summer’. A gift from a niece on Mother’s Day many years ago, this is the best selling hydrangea in the world. It grows on both the prior years branches as well as new growth. When I see it, I remember my thoughtful niece who gave it to me after her mom (my sister) passed away. Like my sister and my niece, it is beautiful, resilient and memorable. - part sun/shade, 3-4’